July 16, 2021

Tips & Toolkits for the #ChildTaxCredit

Millions of families will begin receiving their first Child Tax Credit payment on July 15th — a true testament of the monumental impact that the American Rescue Plan can have on the lives of American families. This is huge, but we can’t stop here. This program could cut child poverty in half, if it is made permanent. Below are some sample social media posts and resources that can be adapted for any platform. Please share through your communication channels to amplify this message and ensure families know about their benefits.

Especially important for families who are not required to file Federal taxes or who are mixed immigration-status:

  1. For eligible families who filed federal taxes and/or received a stimulus check, the tax credit should be direct deposited and/or mailed directly to them. They don’t need to do anything, but for families who are not required to file taxes, they need to sign up.

2. Mixed immigration-status families can be eligible for the #ChildTaxCredit, too. The parent must have an individual taxpayer identification number and the child must have a social security number.

Learn more about eligibility requirements here

We have an opportunity to cut child poverty in half with the #ChildTaxCredit. However, this historic expansion of the #ChildTaxCredit won’t work if it doesn’t reach all the people who need it most. Share this post and use the resources below to reach the folks you serve, especially those who are not required to file federal taxes, to ensure they still receive the checks for which they’re eligible.

Toolkits and other resources to help you spread the news

Child Tax Credit for Non-Tax-Filers – SignUp Page

The White House Child Tax Credit Toolkit

Child Tax Credit July 15th Rollout Social Media Toolkit

Child Tax Credit Social Media Toolkits

ParentsTogether Action Social Media Collateral on Expanded CTC

Economic Security Project – Child Tax Credit

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