March 24, 2023

Did You Eat Your Veggies Today?

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and since healthy food is intrinsic to health and wellness, we couldn’t overlook the important work in this area being done by some of our grantees. Created 50 years ago by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the National Nutrition Month campaign invites everyone to learn about developing healthful eating and physical activity life-long habits.

National Nutrition Month Facebook video_screenshot

“Everything you eat matters.” Watch Video.
Produced by the Naval Medical Center San Diego



AHF staff in front of Feeding America building



Earlier this year, our AHF staff volunteered at Feeding San Diego to bag apples and assemble boxes with food staples for those facing food insecurity.


In addition to Feeding San Diego here are some of our partners whose mission incorporates healthy food, food justice, food insecurity and food service. We encourage you to learn more about each organization.

logos: nutrition month

Feeding San Diego – Focused on connecting every individual facing hunger with healthy, nutritious food through food rescue. More than 35% of food produced in the U.S. goes to waste every year. Feeding San Diego rescues high-quality, nutritious, surplus food from all types of food donors, such as farms and grocery stores. Then, we work with community partners who distribute the food to people in need.

Kitchens for Good – Dedicated to helping people take the next step forward in their lives though its core program:  tuition-free Apprenticeship Programs in Culinary, Baking, and Food Service professions that help individuals facing barriers to employment become work ready, be placed in quality jobs, and start a career in San Diego’s robust Hospitality industry.

Project New Village – Serving as a catalyst for resident-led, community-rooted experiences that BUILD stronger neighborhoods; IMPROVE the neighborhood food supply chain; STIMULATE collective investment in better health; and MAXIMIZE the impact of investment to address social inequities.

Serving Seniors – Helping seniors in poverty live healthy and fulfilling lives. Serving Seniors provides over 956,000 nutritious meals a year. Designed in partnership with a Registered Dietician, our meals provide one-third of our clients’ nutrition requirements and accommodate a wide variety of dietary needs including low-sodium and low-fat diets.

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