September 7, 2016

alliance healthcare foundation iengageu event san diego food bank hunger in the community

On September 1, the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank (SDFB) and Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF), presented our third iEngageU town-hall-styled event, Hunger in Our Community – Evaluating Impact.

A little over a year ago, the Jacobs & Cushman SDFB set out to research and develop quality measurement tools to gauge program effectiveness and further their ability to demonstrate the quantifiable impact of their work to donors and other supporters.  A common need for many of our nonprofit providers!

This event addressed how the Jacobs & Cushman SDFB identified two priority areas – organizational capacity and evaluation – and partnered with the research and consulting firm,Harder+Company Community Research, to assist them in developing the appropriate tools to measure these areas. Jacobs & Cushman SDFB provided an overview of how they plan to use these evaluation tools to help them maximize their strengths as an organization and articulate the impact of their programs in effectively meeting their clients’ needs.

In order to help share the learning from this event we’re sharing the resources from the iEngageU event. Please review the presentations from our event, share them from our Slideshare page, or download them for future reference.

Presentation: Introduction to the San Diego Foodbank

Presentation: Hunger in our Community: Evaluating Impact

We convened some of the community’s brightest minds and most dedicated community leaders to share what they know about best practice evaluation strategies and how they are tackling current health and wellness issues facing San Diego County.  We also helped kick-off Hunger Awareness Month with special guest, Hunger Coalition!

Presentation: September is Hunger Action Month


Questions, Comments, Suggestions? Please take our survey!

In an effort to continually improve the programming we provide, we’re sharing a survey with attendees. Please click this link to take our 3-minute survey.

Contact AHF Program Officer Michele Silverthorn at 858-875-3305 or via email if you have any questions about the event.


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