August 21, 2012
Annual i2 grant to fund a project with the potential to change the paradigm of healthcare delivery
San Diego, CA – Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF), a nonprofit organization working to advance health and wellness for those in need in San Diego and Imperial Counties, announced today the winner of its $1 million Innovation Initiative (i2) Grant. This year’s winner will focus on our community’s most vulnerable populations through an innovative, collaborative program led by University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego). The program will positively impact individual health, public health and healthcare costs.
The winning program, to be officially announced in full detail in 2013, was selected from a group of more than 20 nonprofit organizations that submitted grant proposals. Each proposal was designed to communicate how the applicant would increase the capacity and coordination of the healthcare delivery system.
“The purpose of our Innovation Initiative is to identify and reward a nonprofit organization that will make a substantial impact on the healthcare system by decreasing costs, improving quality and increasing capacity,” said Nancy Sasaki, executive director of AHF.
“We selected UC San Diego’s program this year because it is a true game changer that has the potential to have a monumental impact on both individual health and public health as a whole,” said Dr. Rodney G. Hood MD, physician and Blue Ribbon panel member. “The innovative program also has the ability to impact cost, quality and capacity of the healthcare delivery system worldwide.”
Already in its 3rd year, Alliance’s Innovation Initiative (i2) Grant program continues to fund leaders in the nonprofit healthcare sector that are taking noble strides to improve the healthcare system.
About Alliance Healthcare Foundation
Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF) works to advance health and wellness for the most vulnerable – the poor, working poor, children and homeless in San Diego & Imperial Counties. We look for ways to collaborate with nonprofit, government and community agencies to further this goal. For more information visit
AHF can also be found on Twitter (@AllianceHF) and on Facebook at
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