July 5, 2012
Alliance Introduces James Beaubeaux, the Foundation’s Newest Audit Committee Member
Alliance Healthcare Foundation is very pleased to announce the addition of a new audit committee member, James Beaubeaux. Since 2005, James has served as CFO/COO for the San Diego County Medical Society (SDCMS), one of the fastest growing medical societies in the United States. For the last 6 years James has volunteered on the Health Services Advisory Board – a charter to inform the County Board of Supervisors on healthcare issues.
His dedication to advancing health and wellness have led him to serve as a coalition member for San Diegans for Healthcare Coverage, working with the Task Force that published the “San Diego Roadmap to Coverage and Care” in 2011.
James is committed to community health broadly, but also has a passion specifically for mental health. This passion catalyzed his volunteer work as treasurer of the Mental Health America San Diego board of directors and his numerous volunteer positions with Community Health Improvement Partners, CHIP.
Through his work with CHIP, including serving on their board of directors since 2011, James has become particularly excited by the possibilities of multi-organization, multi-stakeholder collaboration. He looks forward to being a part of facilitating that process at Alliance.
James advocates for a whole systems approach to advancing health care for those in need. “You have to go upstream, and look at the environment. Solving childhood obesity is not just about changing individual behaviors . . .Your health should not depend on your zip code. Everyone deserves access to healthy, fresh foods,” said James. “We can look at the availability of fresh produce, and if it’s not accessible in certain neighborhoods, we can change that.”
His experience at SDCMS created his firm belief that physicians play an important role in solving the challenges facing our health care delivery system. “Health care really takes place in a small room with two people sitting across from each other. Usually, that’s a patient and their doctor,” said James. “I’m committed to protecting and strengthening that relationship.”
We feel fortunate to have James’s passion, experience and expertise at Alliance Healthcare Foundation.
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