August 12, 2020
Add Your Voice to the Future for Health!
Alliance is proud to be involved as a partner of FORESIGHT, a powerful national initiative to equitably envision and bring about a bold future for health and well-being. Our current systems are designed in ways that produce inequitable outcomes. Everyone deserves to enjoy good health and well-being, and we need a fresh vision and bold new ideas to get us there.
That’s where you come in.
FORESIGHT is listening to the voices of thousands of people across the U.S. And, we’re asking you to watch a short video to get an idea of the issues we are facing and could face in the future, and then take a survey to share how you would respond to those issues. Adding your voice will take about 20 minutes.
Our team at Alliance recently participated in some of the initiative’s focus group gatherings, at which the videos were shown and community discussions followed. We found the content thought-provoking and forward-thinking, and the community dialogue inspiring. We think you will, too.
If you are one of our partners or grantees, we would love for you to send the videos to your constituents and encourage them to add their voice. The goal is to co-design the paths and partnerships that will lead to a better future, and then to begin to implement those ideas here in the San Diego and Imperial county region. Language translations are available in French, Somali, Spanish and Mandarin. Here’s a toolkit with translations.
The vision and bold ideas that emerge from FORESIGHT will be based on what we hear. FORESIGHT will then help communities across the country bring them to life.
Add your voice today to FORESIGHT’s Future for Health before August 31. And, help us spread the word!
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