The 2025 Innovation Initiative (i2) $1 Million Challenge Grant is a capacity-building and mentorship program that includes up to 9-months of entrepreneurial education and customized mentoring through a partnership between AHF and global business accelerator, Nex Cubed, culminating in a final pitch session, undergoing a rigorous review followed by one organization being awarded the $1 million i2 milestone-based challenge grant. After the award is made, AHF will also partner with the organization in other ways to support their success. This $1 million grant will be contingent on meeting mutually agreed-upon milestones that will be developed over the course of the i2 journey. Grant funds must be deployed in support of developing and scaling the proposed solution. We can’t wait to partner with you!


Solving our most intractable health and wellness challenges requires innovative, transformative and sustainable solutions.

Application Dates:

  • Applications open November 1, 2024, 8:00am PST
  • Ask-the-Funder Sessions: November 14 + 15, 2024 (optional)
  • Applications close January 24, 2025, 5:00pm PST
  • Phased workshops and mentorship for selected applicants: Feb 2025 – Oct 2025
  • $1 Million milestone-based grant decision: November 2025

Full disclosure: There is a lot of information below but we do believe clarity is kindness. We recommend using the hyperlinks in the table of contents below to get you to the sections you want to review or revisit. If you have questions that are not answered in this material, please email i2@alliancehf.org.

Please note that until the application opens on November 1, 2024, not all links are active.

Table of Contents:

Innovation Initiative (i2) – General Overview

2025 i2 Challenge Grant Summary

Want to print some or all of this? Download full summary here.


Your zip code, race, socioeconomic status, gender, or ability should not determine your life expectancy. We are seeking sustainable innovations aimed at closing disparity gaps in health and wellbeing.


With our Innovation Initiative (i2), also referred to as “venture philanthropy,” Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF) seeks promising innovation to transform the current health paradigm of high cost and poor outcomes to improve quality, increase capacity, and reduce costs for the most systemically marginalized and under-resourced populations in San Diego and/or Imperial counties.

Solving our most intractable health challenges requires innovative, transformative, and sustainable solutions. AHF seeks market-based and/or transformational systems-change solutions with the potential to improve access, quality, and health outcomes for low-income residents in San Diego.

One of the most efficient ways we can support population health improvement is by helping innovations succeed, scale, and achieve sustainability.

Examples of Closing Disparities Gaps (not exhaustive):

  • Chronic condition prevention and/or management (diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular)
  • Access to health and wellness for those without broadband connectivity, transportation, health literacy, language fluency
  • Opportunity for wealth building at lowest income levels
  • Access to mental and behavioral health care for the under- and uninsured

The 2025 i2 program is a capacity-building and mentorship program that includes up to 9-months of entrepreneurial education and customized mentoring through a partnership between AHF and global business accelerator, Nex Cubed, culminating in a final pitch session, undergoing a rigorous review followed by one organization being awarded the $1 million i2 Milestone-Based Challenge Grant. After the award is made, AHF will also partner with the organization in other ways to support their success. This $1 million grant will be contingent on meeting mutually agreed-upon milestones that will be developed over the course of the i2 journey. Grant funds must be deployed in support of developing and scaling the proposed solution. We can’t wait to partner with you!

Application Dates:

  • Application opens November 1, 2024, 8:00am PST
  • Ask-the-Funder Sessions: November 14 + 15, 2024 (optional)
  • Application closes January 24, 2025, 5:00pm PST
  • Phased workshops and mentorship for selected applicants: Feb 2025 – Oct 2025
  • $1 million milestone-based grant decision: November 2025
  • Apply here (link will be live when grant application opens)


Alliance Healthcare Foundation (AHF), based in San Diego, is a 501c3 private foundation advancing the health and wellness of under-resourced, systemically marginalized and resilient communities in San Diego.  Learn more about our history and work here.

Since 2010, our funding program – Innovation Initiative (i2) – has supported promising new innovations aimed at transforming the current health paradigm of high cost and poor outcomes to improve quality, increase capacity, and reduce costs for the most marginalized and under-resourced populations in San Diego.

To view a list of our past i2 awardees, click here.

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Deadline to apply: Friday, January 24, 2025

If you would like to prepare your application offline, here is the application template (link coming soon).

Application Tutorial – Using Submittable Grant Management System:

Noted below are instructions on how to set-up and submit an application for the Alliance Healthcare Foundation 2025 Innovation Initiative (i2) Challenge Grant:

  1. First, you will need to open your web browser and go to submittable.com.
  2. On the top right-hand side of the page, you will see “sign in”.
  3. If you click on that button, you will then see a tab to sign up.
  4. Type in your account information and then click “sign up!”.
  5. Once you have an account, you can then click on the AHF Innovation Initiative (i2) application here. Make sure you are logged in.
  6. You can then complete the application!
    1. You can invite contributors to help complete the application. On the top right of the application, you will see a link that says “Invite Collaborators.”
    2. Please note some questions have word count limits and require attachments.
    3. Questions with an asterisk mean they are required to be answered.
    4. For questions without an asterisk, it would be helpful if you would answer them anyway if applicable.
    5. You can save your application and return to it whenever you need by clicking on “save draft” at the bottom of the application.
    6. When you are ready to submit the application, click “apply”!
    7. You are done.

If you have any questions, please email i2@alliancehf.org.

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  • Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
  • State colleges and universities described in Section 511(a(2)(B) of the IRS tax code even if not described in Section 501(c)(3).

Section 501(c)(3) organizations and state colleges and universities may collaborate with social enterprises, provided that the applicant itself is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or a state college or university. A social enterprise for this purpose means a nonprofit organization other than a Section (c)(3) organization, a certified B Corp or for-profit organization that advances health equity and wellness for those in need.

Community-based programs or initiatives that are “housed” in Section 501(c)(3) organizations or in state colleges and universities may apply as a program or initiative of the Section 501(c)(3) organization or state college or university, provided that all agreements with AHF in connection with the 2025 Innovation Initiative (i2) are entered into in the name of the Section 501(c)(3) organization or state college or university and signed by an authorized individual of the Section 501(c)(3) organization or state college or university.

Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and state colleges and universities described in Section 511(a)(2)(B) of the Code even if not described in Section 501(c)(3) may also collaborate together. In that case, one organization must act as the applicant for the collaborative group.

Any grant funds from Alliance Healthcare Foundation will be issued to the applicant only. Alliance Healthcare Foundation shall have no responsibility to allocate or apportion any grant funds among collaborating organizations, and all grant funds will be subject to the restrictions of the grant agreement entered into between Alliance Healthcare Foundation and the applicant.

Eligible proposals must:

  • Prioritize solutions that target root causes rather than alleviating symptoms.
  • Have a clear sustainability plan that is not reliant on ongoing grants or philanthropic fundraising when scaled.
  • Involve those closest to the social problem in determining the solution.
  • Demonstrate clear and measurable improved health outcomes and reduced disparities for constituents.
  • Directly address health disparities through an explicit equity lens.
  • Demonstrate how winning the i2 $1 million milestone-based grant would generate more impact than what is already being achieved by the organization.

Eligible proposals must also address one of the following:

  • Systemic Problems in the healthcare system, such as
    • Expanding access to quality healthcare resources to all (i.e., navigation, care coordination, cultural competency or removing barriers such as transportation, health literacy, language fluency, remote monitoring, telehealth)
    • Elimination of bias within health systems (i.e., integrated care, fair financing, incorporating social determinants of health, cultural competency, language accessibility)
  • Holistic Chronic Condition Prevention & Management, such as:
    • Leveraging technology to improve outcomes, reduce re-admission, improve adherence, etc.
    • Improving environmental hazards or other social determinants of health that exasperate health disparities
    • Improving access to quality and effective behavioral health services

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The following organizations are not eligible to be an applicant for the 2025 i2 Challenge Grant even if they are a Section 501(c)(3) organization or a state college or university:

  • Mature organizations that are seeking general operating funds.
  • Organizations without a specific focus on a vulnerable or historically marginalized/under-resourced populations.
  • Organizations that seek to profit from historically marginalized/under-resourced populations.
  • Organizations without an operating focus in San Diego.
  • Organizations formed under the laws of a country other than the United States.
  • Past i2 grantees.
  • Organizations that are developing pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, health food, fitness service, or medical devices requiring FDA approval unless the technology is part of an evidenced-based or novel innovation that is a well-supported approach to one of the eligibility criteria below.
  • Organizations that require more than 15% of grant funds to be allocated to indirect overhead costs.

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2025 i2_key dates

*NOTE: Timelines for the i2 Challenge Grant program may be adjusted with sufficient notice.

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2025 i2 journey chart


Before Phase 1 kicks off in late February 2025, the AHF i2 Challenge Grant evaluation team will confirm that each submission meets the basic eligibility requirements and grant program goals. During this phase, AHF will include internal and external reviewers, including Resident Leaders with relevant expertise to help assess each application. Up to 25 applicants will be invited to advance to the next phase in the i2 Challenge.

PHASE 1: Planning (February – April 2025)

Up to 25 selected organizations will have the opportunity to refine their ideas and develop/strengthen their business models.  AHF in collaboration with Innovation Partner, Nex Cubed, will provide a series of Phase 1 workshops for all 25 organizations at no cost to the applicants.

The Phase 1 workshop(s) include topics such as:

  • Founder’s journey
  • Defining your population and impact
  • Going to market
  • Building sustainable revenue
  • Getting funded
  • Perfecting the pitch

The intent of the workshop(s) is to provide an overview of these concepts that will give the participating organizations a better understanding of what to work on to make their business more successful.

At the conclusion of Phase 1, the 25 organizations will provide an early demonstration of their solution and/or a skeleton business model.  Up to 10 organizations will advance to the next phase of i2. We are hopeful that all organizations will benefit from the tools they develop in Phase 1 and will use these tools as leverage to make a positive impact in San Diego.

PHASE 2: Validating (May – June 2025)

This phase of the i2 Challenge Grant will provide up to 10 semi-finalist organizations the opportunity to validate their solutions with customers/constituents to demonstrate early traction and business model fit. The 10 semi-finalists will each be awarded a $5,000 grant to support the applicant’s Phase 2 validation process.

Phase 2 workshops include:

  • Cultural awareness
  • Business model canvas
  • Solution testing
  • Creating awareness
  • Measuring results
  • Perfecting the pitch

At the conclusion of this phase, the organizations will prepare a 3-page summary of their business (including what they have learned during the validation phase) and present a quick pitch deck to AHF staff, Nex Cubed, Resident Leaders, and the full AHF Program Committee.  This event is planned to be in-person. Up to five organizations will advance to Phase 3.

Phase 3: Building (July – October 2025)

During the last phase of the challenge, the top five finalist organizations will each be awarded a $20,000 grant to support their Phase 3 building process.

Applicants will be paired by Nex Cubed with a professional mentor and receive customized coaching to demonstrate further progress towards business development. Please note that taking advantage of the business coaching element is not a requirement of this process. It is intended to be an optional capacity building opportunity fully funded by Alliance Healthcare Foundation for all interested finalists. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) may also be assigned to supplement the work of the mentor.

In terms of technical assistance and coaching, this final stage of the i2 Challenge Grant is where AHF invests the most resources.

The goals for the finalists in this phase include:

  • Strong business model and business plan.
  • Identified business/organizational deficits which finalists are actively working to address.
  • Continued rigorous market testing with the focus population and refinement of the solution as needed.
  • Persuasive and polished pitch for potential funders.

Finalist Pitch Round

In late October 2025, the five finalists will give a final 15 minute in-person pitch to AHF staff, Nex Cubed and mentors, AHF Board Members/Program Committee, and Resident Leaders, followed by 15 minutes of Q+A. The evaluation team will have an opportunity to ask questions of the Innovation Partner and Mentors before the AHF Board makes a final vote to determine the winner of the $1 million milestone-based grant.

The in-person presentation is at the sole cost of the grant applicant.  Alliance’s Board of Trustees will make the final determination after the in-person presentations, which will be held privately (not open to the public).

The applicant selected for the Innovation Initiative (i2) $1 Million Milestone-based Challenge Grant (the “Challenge Grantee”) will be announced in November 2025, and the identity of the Challenge Grantee will be publicly posted at alliancehf.org.

To receive the full amount of the grant, the Challenge Grantee will need to meet each milestone specified in the grant agreement entered into between the Alliance Healthcare Foundation and the Challenge Grantee.

Alliance Healthcare Foundation has no obligation to fund the full i2 Challenge Grant amount if all milestones are not met.

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nex cubed logo_white background


We are grateful for the partnership of the health, wellness and innovation communities of San Diego. The business accelerator, Nex Cubed, has been invited back a second year to serve as AHF’s 2025 i2 Innovation Partner.

Role of Innovation Partner, Nex Cubed:

  • Serve as a thought partner on eligibility criteria, evaluation process, and provide a customized workshop and coaching program.
  • Help source social entrepreneurs for application process.
  • Develop and deliver a series of entrepreneurial workshops during Phases 1 + 2
  • Participate in evaluation of applicants at conclusion of Phase 1 (25 to 10 applicants), Phase 2 (10 to 5 applicants), and Phase 3 (5 to winner).
  • Provide 1:1 mentoring and coaching to i2 finalists to improve their business models, demonstrate meaningful progress towards building/implementing their solution and perfecting their presentations for funding during Phase 3
  • Serve as a thought partner on the determination of milestones for the final i2 Challenge Grantee.

Welcome message from Marlon Evans, CEO, Nex Cubed



The eligible submissions will be reviewed using a set of key elements for each phase of the challenge, focused on the following criteria. (Note: initial proposals submitted will not be expected to meet all criteria from the beginning of the i2 Journey. However,  AHF will be looking for these core elements to make a final holistic decision after the 9-month process):

2025 i2 evaluation elements

2025 i2 evaluation elements by phase

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Judges and evaluators will be sourced from the following stakeholder groups:

  • Alliance’s Board of Trustees and Program Committee
  • Staff
  • i2 Innovation Partner – Nex Cubed
  • Community residents (Resident Leaders) with lived experiences from a variety of historically marginalized, under-resourced communities in San Diego
  • Subject Matter Experts in areas of health and wellness, pertinent to the solutions presented by the semi-finalists

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We recognize the time commitment that i2 applicants will be making to participate in the i2 Journey culminating in the final pitch in October 2025. To assist applicants with completing their Journey, AHF will be providing grant funding in the last two phases of the Journey as follows:

  • Phase 2 (up to 10 applicants) – $5,000 per applicant to support the applicant’s Phase 2 validation process
  • Phase 3 (up to 5 finalists) – $20,000 per applicant to support the applicant’s Phase 3 building process

At the conclusion of Phase 3, if no applicant has successfully demonstrated potential in all the key evaluation elements, Alliance Healthcare Foundation reserves the right not to select any applicant to receive the i2 Challenge Grant.

Funding for the i2 Challenge Winner will be Contingent on Meeting Milestones

AHF will select one i2 finalist (the “Challenge Grantee”) who will be eligible to receive up to a total of $1 million in grant payments to use for developing and scaling the proposed solution, contingent upon meeting certain milestones along the way that support and provide evidence towards an innovative, sustainable, and scalable solution aimed at improving health outcomes and reducing disparities for under-resourced populations. The impact must specifically target San Diego County (although it can have additional broader reach with scaling).

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  • The selected i2 Challenge Grantee will be eligible to receive grant funding of up to $1 million, which will be distributed to the Challenge Grantee in tranches contingent on the Challenge Grantee achieving defined milestones set forth in the grant agreement entered by the Alliance Healthcare Foundation and the Challenge Grantee. Milestones will be formalized as an exhibit to the grant agreement and derived from the contents of applicant’s proposed final plan (including a proposed budget) as described in its in-person presentation. No more than 15% of the budget may be allocated to indirect overhead costs. A sample of the grant agreement can be viewed here.
  • The Challenge Grantee will receive: (a) access to Alliance Healthcare Foundation’s facility located in San Diego, CA for project meetings, space allowing and reserved ahead of time, (b) mentorship from experienced executives in partnership with our Innovation Partner, and (c) exposure to other funders and stakeholders.
  • In the case where no applicant has successfully demonstrated potential in all the key evaluation elements, Alliance Healthcare Foundation reserves the right not to select any applicant to receive the i2 Challenge Grant.
  • By submitting an application, you as an applicant agree to these i2 Challenge Grant Award Terms & Conditions in full which each applicant should read in advance of any grant submission. Applicants may submit only one application per organization.
  • A prospective applicant will not be eligible to submit an i2 Challenge Grant application and participate in the i2 competitive grant process if it does not affirmatively agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions, specifically including that the selected grantee must meet agreed upon milestones before the grantee will receive the full grant amount.
  • By submitting an application, you as an applicant represent, warrant and covenant to AHF that you have read these Terms  & Conditions, and the descriptions and other content included in the i2 Challenge Grant application, in full and understand them, and further that all information and materials submitted and contained in the application (collectively, including without limitation ideas, discoveries, know-how, inventions, proposals, plans, designs and developments and any versions or derivatives of the foregoing, “Submitted Materials”) (a) are complete, accurate, true and current in all respects, (b) are exclusively owned by you the applicant, and that you have all rights, authorizations and consents necessary to provide such Submitted Materials to AHF and to grant rights to AHF to use such Submitted Materials in furtherance of AHF’s mission, and (c) will not, and any and all permitted uses will not, infringe or violate any laws, regulations or third party rights.
  • By submitting an application, you as an applicant further agree that if you are the Challenge Grantee and you fail to meet all applicable grant-related milestones or subsequently abandon or otherwise do not pursue the proposed solution, or if you receive Phase 2 or Phase 3 grant funding and subsequently abandon or otherwise do not pursue the proposed solution, you will collaborate with AHF to grant to AHF or to another Section 501(c)(3) organization a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, practice, copy, modify and otherwise use any Submitted Materials to pursue the proposed solution for charitable purposes.
  • By submitting an application, you as an applicant agree that the Submitted Materials shall not include or involve (and such applicant will not transmit or disseminate or permit the transmission or dissemination of): any discriminatory, defamatory, disparaging, threatening, abusive or otherwise objectionable content; any content that violates the rights of any party; any content that violates any applicable AHF or i2 terms, rules, policies or procedures, or any applicable laws or regulations; or any content that includes or could trigger any harmful code (or other harmful or unauthorized materials).  In addition, you as an applicant agree that you will not engage in, or permit, any of the following conduct: make any statement related to AHF, i2 or any other applicant that, in AHF’s opinion, is false, misleading, unauthorized, disparaging or otherwise harmful or inappropriate; use any name or trademarks of AHF or i2 in any marketing or publicity without AHF’s prior written consent in each instance; or engage in any negligent, harmful, dangerous, threatening, abusive, infringing, discriminatory, unethical or illegal activities in connection with i2 or AHF.
  • Except with respect to seeking preliminary injunctive relief in a court of competent jurisdiction in connection with the protection or enforcement of intellectual property rights, any dispute, claim, cause of action or proceeding arising out of or relating to i2 (or the application or award process) shall be resolved by mandatory, binding arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.  The arbitration shall be conducted in San Diego, California. The arbitration award shall be final and exclusive, and the prevailing party in the arbitration may file an action in court to confirm and to enforce the arbitration award.  Any dispute, claim, cause of action or proceeding arising out of or relating to i2 (or the application or award process) shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action.
  • You as an applicant must execute and return, and the receipt of any grant funds (or other recognition) by an applicant from AHF is conditioned upon and subject to such applicant executing and returning, AHF’s designated liability and publicity release.  The liability release will include that you as an applicant, to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, release AHF and its officers, directors, employees, staff and agents (collectively, “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action of any kind arising out of or relating to participation in any i2 program, prize or application process, including without limitation any claim relating to any AHF programs or activities that may be similar to or related to any Submitted Materials (or any program or activities described or contemplated therein).  By submitting an application, you as an applicant acknowledge that Released Parties have neither made nor are in any manner responsible for any warranty, representation or guarantee of any kind related to or arising from any i2 program, grant award or application process.
  • AHF reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any applicant that AHF finds or reasonably suspects to be acting in violation of any applicable i2 terms, rules, policies or procedures.  If for any reason an i2 program is not reasonably capable of running as planned, AHF reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the i2 program, or any portion thereof, at any time.
  • These terms and conditions and those of the grant cannot be modified or changed except in a writing executed by applicant and AHF.

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Q: What is i2?

A:  i2 is short for “Innovation Initiative,” a $1 million challenge grant which includes a 9-month mentored journey culminating in a final pitch session to a panel of judges.

Q: What kind of grant is i2?

A: The 2025 i2 Challenge Grant is a $1 million milestone-based grant awarded every 18-24 months to one entity through a rigorous coaching and evaluation process. The program is designed to support and nurture social innovation; it is not a general operating grant program.

Q: How will each phase be evaluated? 

A:  Each phase of the i2 Journey is evaluated using a set of key elements relevant to that phase of the challenge.  Elements that we will be reviewing include innovative, community-informed, potential impact, feasibility, evidence-informed, additionality through i2 grant, market understanding, potential for scale and sustainability, leadership team and coachability.

Q: What are the milestones for funding?

A: Milestones will be formalized as an exhibit to the grant agreement and derived from the contents of applicant’s proposed final plan as described in its in-person presentation.

Q: Can anyone apply?

A:  No. Lead applicants must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Individuals are not eligible to apply.

Q: Can a social enterprise or collaboration of organizations apply?

A: In the case of a collaboration among entities, including social enterprises, there needs to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as the lead applicant who will be authorized to bind all participant organizations, and who will receive any applicable milestone-contingent grant funds.

Q: What qualifies as a social enterprise?

A: A social enterprise can be a nonprofit, certified B Corp or for-profit organization that advances health equity and wellness of those in need. A social enterprise is not eligible to apply without a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving as the lead applicant. Either the social enterprise needs to be a 501(c)(3) or there must be a lead applicant who is the 501(c)(3).

Q: Are educational institutions eligible to apply?

A: Public colleges and universities that are classified as tax-exempt, public charities may apply. Please note that indirect costs are capped at 15%.

Q: Are faith-based organizations eligible to apply?

A: Faith-based organizations that have a tax-exempt status under IRS 501(c)(3) are considered eligible to apply.

Q: What is health equity?

A: “Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care.” (Definition from Robert Wood Johnson)

Q: What are health disparities?

A: “Health disparities are differences in health or in the key determinants of health (such as education, safe housing, and freedom from discrimination) that adversely affect marginalized or excluded groups. Disparities in health and in the key determinants of health are how we measure progress toward health equity.” (Definition from Robert Wood Johnson)

Q: What are Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)?

A: “Social determinants of health (SDoH) are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.” (Definition from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) We believe that 80-90% of an individual’s overall wellbeing is determined by the social determinants of health and 10-20% is determined by medical, clinical care.

Q: Are the workshops a requirement for participation?

A: The workshops are not a requirement for participation and are optional for participants. They are a valuable resource for you as you build your business model and are led by subject matter experts. (There is no charge to the i2 applicants or finalists.)

Q: Are international organizations eligible to apply?

A: Applicants must have a U.S. federal tax ID, be tax-exempt under IRS 501(c)(3), and the solution must be piloted and/or delivered for positive social impact in San Diego and/or Imperial counties.

Q: May groups of individuals apply?

A: The lead applicant must have a U.S. federal tax ID and be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Individuals are not eligible to apply.

Q: Are government entities eligible to apply?

A: Government entities are eligible to apply so long as the solution is designed for positive social impact in San Diego and/or Imperial counties. Please note that the i2 grant provides for a maximum of 15% indirect costs.

Q: Are there any restrictions on how the $1 million award may be spent?

A:  The i2 Challenge Grant is milestone-based. Consequently, the award tranches will be project and budget informed. Details for the grant will be customized to the grantee’s innovation plan in coordination with Alliance and team of advisors.

Q: How long is the grant period for the i2 awardee?

A: The grant period will be customized based on the needs and phasing of the specific solution proposed. Most prior i2 awardees’ grant periods have ranged from one to four years.

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