November 7, 2024
Unity in Diversity: Foundations Reaffirm Commitment to Health Equity Under President-Elect Trump
As foundations dedicated to advancing health equity and social and racial justice in California, with national impact, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to support and protect the communities we serve. We believe in the power of civil discourse, collaboration and ensuring that all voices, especially those of marginalized communities, are heard and respected.
Our foundations have long-standing missions to improve health, particularly for those who have faced discrimination and exclusion. We believe that health is a fundamental human right, intrinsically tied to social determinants such as racism, immigration status, economic stability, gender inequities, and access to quality healthcare, education, and housing. Addressing these interconnected issues is essential to achieving true well-being for all.
In recent years, violent actions and rhetoric seek to undermine the progress made in addressing systemic racism, health disparities, and immigrants’ rights. Such narratives and actions threaten progress and risk the safety and dignity of these – and all – communities. We stand united in our commitment to work with our partners to protect these communities. Only by fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding can we ensure a society where all people can thrive.
We urge the incoming administration to turn away from the words and actions of division and harm. We must build a future where diversity is celebrated, disparities are addressed, and all communities are treated with respect and dignity.
Alliance Healthcare Foundation
Alliance Healthcare Foundation works to advance health and wellness for the people who face significant barriers to better health.
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Blue Shield of California Foundation supports lasting and equitable solutions to make California the healthiest state and end domestic violence. When we work together to remove the barriers to health and well-being, especially for Californians most affected, we can create a more just and equitable future.
The California Endowment
The California Endowment is dedicated to expanding access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities. By promoting fundamental improvements in health status, the Endowment aims to ensure that all Californians can achieve optimal health and well-being.
California Wellness Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation envisions a California where every resident enjoys good health and wellness. Its mission is to protect and improve the health of Californians by increasing access to health care, quality education, good jobs, healthy environments, and safe neighborhoods.
Metta Fund
Metta Fund is a private foundation dedicated to advancing the health and wellness of San Francisco’s aging population. We partner with innovative nonprofits to prioritize areas where community needs are greatest and where systemic change is needed to address inequities – because everyone deserves to live a healthy life, at every age. We strive toward a vision of an inclusive, connected, multi-generational, healthy and thriving San Francisco.
Sierra Health Foundation
Sierra Health Foundation is a private philanthropy that forges new paths to promote health, racial equity and racial justice in partnership with communities, organizations and leaders. We are committed to reducing health disparities through convening, educating and strategic grantmaking.
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