May 9, 2017
WHAT: Release of 2017 “Point-in-Time Count” report on homelessness in Imperial County
WHEN: Thursday, May 11 at 10:30 AM
WHERE: Catholic Charities – 250 West Orange, El Centro
WHO: Discussing this important study and recommended solutions will be:
- Nancy Sasaki, Executive Director of Alliance Healthcare Foundation
- Les Smith, President of El Centro Chamber of Commerce
- Deborah D. Owen, Assistant District Attorney Imperial County
- Peggy Price, Director of Imperial County Dept of Social Services
The most recent “Point-in-Time Count” report on homelessness in Imperial County reveals that our region has twice the state average rate of homelessness with 1,071 sheltered and unsheltered homeless people. Learn more about key findings of the report, the methodology used to analyze data, and what the Imperial County Continuum of Care Council (IVCCC) recommends in order to end homelessness in Imperial County.
“The Imperial Valley Continuum of Care Council is a task force made up of local organizations working to end homelessness in our region,” says Les Smith, Chair of the IVCCC. Smith, who is also President of the El Centro Chamber of Commerce, says, “The report is a useful tool for providing good information and educating our entire community, and local and regional elected officials, about the causes and impact of homelessness,” he says.
Nancy Sasaki, Executive Director of the Alliance Healthcare Foundation says, “Imperial County did an amazing job in gaining a better understanding of who is experiencing homelessness and why. This level of in-depth analysis is the first of its kind in terms of both highlighting our challenges and giving us insight on solutions moving forward.”
One of the most surprising findings of the IVCCC “Point in Time Count” report is that there are far more homeless people living in the region than have been counted in past years. Additionally, in surveying homeless people, the IVCCC learned many of the root causes of homelessness, and what resources are needed to end this social and economic issue. “This issue is complex, but we know that working together we can end homelessness in Imperial Valley,” says Deborah Owen, Assistant District Attorney of Imperial County.
“Through the IVCCC, the County must develop a unified plan and system to address homelessness. We need greater funding and resources to make this successful, though. We must implement and broadly utilize a Coordinated Entry System in order to maintain and increase federal funding for services for homeless people. One of the ways to ensure this is to continue the strong volunteer representation at next year’s ‘Point in Time Count.’ We invite community leaders, elected officials, and the entire community to attend the next IVCCC meeting or invite one of our representatives to speak at yours.”
The IVCCC is comprised of local organizations working to engage individuals and organizations of Imperial Valley in a community-based process that works to eradicate homelessness in the region, address the underlying causes of homelessness, and lessen the negative impact of homelessness on individuals, families, and community.
About the of Point in Time Count
The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night in January. HUD requires that Continuums of Care conduct an annual count of homeless persons who are sheltered in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and Safe Havens on a single night.
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