April 19, 2013
Mission Statement: The Foundation for Change is a 501c3 charitable organization serving San Diego’s immigrant and border communities. Our mission is to create a passionate community of support for progressive leaders and organizations in the San Diego/Tijuana region.
Advancing Health and Wellness: Low-wage immigrant workers in San Diego – farmworkers, service-workers, taxi-drivers, domestic workers, day laborers and others in the “informal sector” of the economy — face extreme challenges both in maintaining their health while on the job and securing adequate healthcare when they are injured or ill. These challenges include: inadequate health benefits; poor working conditions; inadequate labor union representation; cross-language and cross-cultural communication; vulnerability to unscrupulous employers; environmental hazards unique to our cross-border region; the stresses and costs of commuting. Through its “Health for All” initiative, the Foundation for Change (F4C) equips already established leaders from San Diego’s immigrant and border communities to become effective health advocates within their communities, within their work-related networks and organizations, and within larger, more complex, policy-related spheres.
Mission Support Grant Application Video
Mission Support Grant Award Video
Contact Information: Michele Silverthorn, Program Associate, michele@foundation4change.org, 619-692-0527 | www.foundation4change.org | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
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