@ Live Well Advance on Monday, October 28, 2019
Homelessness is avoidable – especially if there’s community will to work together to change the conditions that make people vulnerable to homelessness in the first place. Our lunch plenary speaker on Monday, October 28th at the County’s Live Well Advance is Rosanne Haggerty, CEO, Community Solutions (New York). Rosanne has decades of experience in preventing and ending homelessness at the community level through neighborhood partnerships. Based on accumulated data and experience, Rosanne and Community Solutions now develops and coordinates large-scale national change initiatives, including 100,000 Homes and Built for Zero campaigns to end chronic and veteran homelessness, as well as developing neighborhood partnerships that bring together local residents and institutions to change the conditions that produce homelessness.

About Rosanne Haggerty, President & CEO, Community Solutions

Rosanne Haggerty is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Solutions, based in New York. She is an internationally recognized leader in developing innovative strategies to end homelessness and strengthen communities. Community Solutions assists communities throughout the US and internationally in solving the complex housing problems facing their most vulnerable residents. Their large-scale change initiatives include the 100,000 Homes and Built for Zero Campaigns to end chronic and veteran homelessness, and neighborhood partnerships that bring together local residents and institutions to change the conditions that produce homelessness. Earlier, she founded Common Ground Community, a pioneer in the design and development of supportive housing and research-based practices that end homelessness.

Interested in more discussions about ending and preventing chronic homelessness? 

Join the afternoon breakout session at 3:00pm: Preventing Homelessness by Strengthening San Diego

It’s not just a shortage of housing issue; it’s not just a mental health issue; it’s not just a lack of jobs — Preventing homelessness takes a broad community strategy, multiple partners, and an ongoing will and effort to make a significant impact. This session brings together diverse San Diego community leaders in a moderated exploration led by Rosanne Haggerty, CEO, Community Solutions based in New York City.

Moderator:  Rosanne Haggerty, President & CEO, Community Solutions


  • Nicole Blumenfeld, Director of Informatics, 2-1-1 San Diego/CIE (Community Information Exchange)
  • Jonathan Castillo, Regional Director, PATH (People Assisting the Homeless)
  • Tamera Kohler, CEO, San Diego Regional Task Force on Homelessness
  • Omar Passons, Director of Integrative Services, San Diego County, Health & Human Services Agency

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