April 19, 2013
Mission Statement: Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) is dedicated to environmental and social justice. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC supports efforts that create a just society and foster a healthy and sustainable quality of life.
Advancing Health and Wellness: For 32 years, EHC has campaigned to improve the health and environment of low-income communities of color adversely affected by pollution and discriminatory land use policies that limit access to nutritious food and discourage safe public recreation areas for healthy physical activity. We promote healthy environments by empowering community leaders to encourage health-protective public policies; educate families about the barriers to healthier options for their communities; defend families from lead poisoning and other toxic exposures; increase civic participation; and advocate for fair neighborhood planning practices. Empowering people, organizing communities and achieving justice are the guiding principles of our work. EHC serves urban communities where residents are denied the basic human right to live and work in a safe, healthy environment. Community organizing, policy advocacy, and leadership development are core strategies EHC uses to achieve healthy communities.
Description: Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization located in the San Diego/Tijuana border region. Founded in 1980, EHC is dedicated to fighting toxic pollution. Through organizing, advocacy, and leader development, we work to improve the health of children, families, neighborhoods and the natural environment. EHC’s community-based campaigns are united by the belief that community organizing is the vehicle to achieve environmental justice, and that environmental justice cannot exist without social and economic justice.
EHC’s four major campaigns focus on community planning, green energy and jobs, healthy kids, and U.S.-Mexico border health. Our core communities are Barrio Logan, Logan Heights, Sherman Heights, City Heights, National City, and Colonia Chilpancingo in Tijuana, Mexico. EHC staff members serve on advisory committees and participate in networks at the local, state, national and international levels. Through these wider channels, we promote the local efforts that are the centerpiece of our activities.
Alongside community leaders and residents, EHC has secured historic advances to protect public health and the environment. Key victories include one of first community Right-to-Know laws in the nation (1982), the first law to ban lead-contaminated candies (2005), the first bi-national toxic waste cleanup (2008), and the first general plan in the U.S. to incorporate environmental justice principles (2011). EHC received an award in 2010 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for leadership in making homes lead safe for children and families in environmental justice communities.
These accomplishments would not have been possible without strong and empowered community leaders. EHC volunteer leaders, including a youth group of 20 young people in Colonia Chilpancingo, are members of our Community Action Teams (CATs). The CATs are where neighbors join together to share, train, strategize, and take action to improve their communities. CAT leaders are spokespersons for their communities, serve on EHC’s Board of Directors, and play key roles in setting the direction of the organization.
All of EHC’s volunteer leaders are graduates of our signature Leadership Development Program, SALTA (Salud Ambiental Líderes Tomando Acción/Environmental Health Leaders Taking Action). The trainings strengthen community leaders’ ability to effectively organize and advocate to shape public policy. EHC has trained more than 1,500 community leaders since 1996 through our SALTA program.
Mission Support Grant Application Video
Mission Support Grant Award Video
Contact Information: Diane Takvorian, Executive Director, DianeT@environmentalhealth.org, 619.474.0220 | www.environmentalhealth.org | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
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Photo Gallery
Mission Statement: Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) is dedicated to environmental and social justice. We organize and advocate to protect public health and the environment threatened by toxic pollution. EHC supports efforts that create a just society and foster a healthy and sustainable quality of life.
Advancing Health and Wellness: For 32 years, EHC has campaigned to improve the health and environment of low-income communities of color adversely affected by pollution and discriminatory land use policies that limit access to nutritious food and discourage safe public recreation areas for healthy physical activity. We promote healthy environments by empowering community leaders to encourage health-protective public policies; educate families about the barriers to healthier options for their communities; defend families from lead poisoning and other toxic exposures; increase civic participation; and advocate for fair neighborhood planning practices. Empowering people, organizing communities and achieving justice are the guiding principles of our work.
Mission Support Grant Application Video
Mission Support Grant Award Video
Photo Gallery
Contact Information: Brandon Tate-McWilliams; brandont@environmentalhealth.org; 619-474-0220 | www.environmentalhealth.org | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
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