The generational socio-economic and environmental abuse and neglect of Imperial Valley by outside opportunists and stakeholders (including government, business and philanthropy) has resulted in widespread, chronic health and wellness issues, including asthma, diabetes, poverty, and a toxic environment.

Recognizing that small grants to local nonprofits in this rural region would not result in meaningful health improvement, we embarked on a collaborative and intentional strategy to transfer wealth and shift power to the local residents of Imperial Valley through what is now called the Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation (IVWF). With significant capacity-building funding and a commitment to transfer $7.5 million (10 percent of AHF’s entire endowment), IVWF is building roots and activating local community members to envision and realize a better future for the region they call home.

Founded in 2019 as an independent and locally managed 501(c)(3) charity in Imperial County, IVWF continues to build relationships and work collaboratively across multi-sectors at the local, southern CA border region, and state levels. Thanks to the efforts of Roque Barros, inaugural Executive Director, IVWF is being seen as a trusted convener, connector and change-maker for this rural border region. Visit

February 25, 2025: Alliance Healthcare Foundation transferred 10% of its endowment to Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation. This $7.5 million contribution will support this historically disinvested rural community in Southern California in perpetuity. The funds will be locally held and managed. Read full story here.

2024 mission support grantee logos


Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation’s 2024 Mission Support funding ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 per recipient, totaling $80,000. Organizations primarily serving Imperial Valley are invited to apply for grant funding in the following three areas: 1) Health and Wellness, 2) Community Engagement, and 3) Nonprofit Capacity Building. For updates on the 2025 funding cycle, please visit

photo of roque barros, ivwf logo

June 4, 2021. The Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation (IVWF) announced it has hired Roque Barros, Jr. as its first executive director. Born and raised in Imperial Valley, Barros has had an exemplary career working to improve the lives of people in underserved communities. Read more.

IVWF Quarterly Update