Meet and Hear from Board Members of the New Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve probably never heard of Imperial County, California. But chances are you regularly eat food grown there. And, you benefit from the clean, renewable energy generated there.

Yet these health-promoting county exports mask deep and persistent health disparities locally. Air and water quality in Imperial County are exceptionally poor; access to health services is uneven at best, and poverty and food insecurity rates are among the nation’s highest.

Fortunately, there’s some good news in the midst of these challenges—and you’re invited to hear about it!

In 2017, the board of trustees of the San Diego-based Alliance Healthcare Foundation passed a bold resolution: they would reduce the size of their foundation corpus by $7.5 million (approximately 10% of assets) through a challenge grant to seed a new private health foundation focused entirely on Imperial County and governed entirely by residents of Imperial County.

Just 18 months later, the new Imperial Valley Wellness Foundation was established, and in April 2019 its founding board of 13 trustees were seated.

You’re invited to join us at a dinner meeting on June 12 at the GIH conference hotel (Hyatt Regency, Seattle, WA) in which we’ll hear directly from three of those trustees about life along the U.S.-Mexico border and their new foundation’s plans for advancing health and wellness in the county.

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Time: 7:30pm – 9:00pm; includes a hosted sit-down dinner; plus, a dessert buffet available at 9:00pm for dinner guests and other conference attendees
Place: Hyatt Regency Seattle, 808 Howell Street, Seattle, Washington 98101 (Skagit Room, 603)

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