Alliance Healthcare Foundation
Board Ratified – 09/20/19
Committee Amended – 10/03/20
The Board of Trustees (“Board”) of Alliance Healthcare Foundation (“Alliance”), recognizing that we are entrusted with a large endowment devoted to charitable purposes, has adopted this Conflict of Interest Policy (“Policy”) to provide guidance on how to deal appropriately with situations that involve, or may appear to involve, conflicts of interest, and to comply with federal and state laws concerning conflicts of interest.
Conflicts of interest place personal interests at odds with the fundamental duty of loyalty owed by Trustees and Officers as fiduciaries of Alliance. A conflict of interest, or the appearance of conflict of interest, of a Trustee, Officer, Committee Member, Staff Member or Advisor can damage institutional credibility and the ability to fulfill Alliance’s mission and programmatic goals. The Board expects that each of the Trustees, Officers, Committee Members, Staff Members and Advisors will respect his/her obligations to act in the best interest of Alliance in fulfilling its charitable mission.
Access full policy here.